A text I wrote with Anne-Lise Agossa on the Third Space for the new publication of AA Files (77).

Aró in Yoruba means blue indigo dye. The colour blue is symbolic in various ethnic cultures around the world, and has an innate duality; rare in nature, but rich with the experience of the sky and water – nature’s elusive gifts that link us to both the known and the unknown, the mysterious and the candid. Aró seeks to dismantle the outdated, imposed, binary approach to architectural education that passively preserves and perpetuates racism, exclusivity and inaccessibility. Aró welcomes non-binary modes of thinking, inclusive methods of interaction and modes of practice that truly reflect societal ethnic diversity within and around London. Four terms were defined, described, scrutinised and poetised. Terms that needed to be detached from their colonial attachments, coined by a new group of 'Allies Against Discrimination'

In collaboration with blacksquare and the architectural association.


Spatial (Dis)orientation


The Fluidity of Space